Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug
Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug
Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug
Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug
Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug
Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug

Loving Mom Printed Ceramic Mug

  • This mug is microwave, oven, refrigerator, freezer, and dishwasher safe so you can use these mugs with any hot and cold beverage without any quality loss.
  • Beautifully and professionally printed ceramic mugs suitable to gift on any occasion to your loved ones.
  • This is a useful and thoughtful gift for anyone or your special one on a family day.
    • Material
    • Dimension (H x W)
    3.9" x 3.5"
    • Colour
    • Weight
    0.300 gm



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